Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pasta Day

The Eco Food Garden Team hosted a pasta tasting day using the basil and parsley in the garden for all the HHPS students. 2S helped pick, wash and prepare the pesto which was made from basil (purple & green), parsley, olive oil, toasted sunflower seeds, parmesan cheese and salt. The day was a great success!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mr Green the Gecko says

Autumn is the perfect time to plant silverbeet, cauliflower, beetroot, lettuce and herbs.

Newsletter Term 1 Week 8

Next meeting will be held in the library on Tuesday 20th March at 7:00pm. We welcome any new interested
parents to come along.

Chook Roster
We are currently making a roster of parents to help look after the chickens on the weekend. Helpers get to keep the eggs they collect. If you are interested in being part of the chook roster please contact Ms Scanlan.

Pasta Day
To use some of our delicious herbs from the garden there will be a pasta day on 27th March. Order forms will be sent home shortly.