Friday, April 4, 2014

Planting day with the whole school

200 seedlings and a range of seeds went into 10 garden beds today:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Newsletter Term 1 Week 10

Working bee:
A big thank you to all of the keen and hardworking parents and children who came to the working bee on the 22nd March. The gardens are now ready for replanting and growing. We also have the sink for the outdoor classroom installed with plumbing to come.

5/6S had two very impromptu cooking sessions last week inspired by the observed growth of our 56cm zucchini. Zucchini chips on the barbie and zucchini soup all cooked in the outdoor classroom.

Replanting of the garden will take place this Friday and will involve all classes from Kindi to Yr 6. If you are available to help from 11:30 on Friday 4th please contact Rhonda French.

Bunnings BBQ
Our next Bunnings BBQ is on the 17th May. This is a great way for the Eco garden to raise finds for planting and building in the gardens. It's also a great way to spend an hour! If you are available and would be interested in helping out on this date please contact
Colleen Dancer.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be the first day back of term 29th April at 7pm in Miss Scanlon's room. Please come along and join the fun!