Tuesday, February 15, 2011

MR GREEN says it’s great to be back!

I have had a wonderful summer basking in the sun and enjoying the beautiful raised garden beds at HHPS.  You may have noticed that I got busy last week and cleared many of the beds with some of my parent helpers. We are composting all the dead foliage and can’t wait to move and replant the beds.
Do you have some sad-looking plants at home? Why not pull them out and compost the waste?


Welcome back everyone and hello to all our new families. We are looking forward to a busy and productive year with our school garden project.
For those of you who are at the school for the first time, the Eco Food Garden is an initiative of a group of interested parents and teachers who all completed a TAFE-sponsored Permaculture course around two years ago.
The knowledge we gained from that course has allowed us to begin setting up an organic herb and vegetable garden for the school to use and enjoy. The garden site sits in between the hall and the library and in front of the new classrooms.

* Fundraised $3000+
* Enjoyed produce from 7 garden beds
* Installed a composting system
* Won a $1000 grant
* Established a blog http://hhps-eco-food-garden.blogspot.com/
plus much more!

We want to create some beautiful mosaics to decorate our garden. Please drop any unwanted tiles into the box at the front office.

* Our next meeting is in the school library on Wednesday, February 23 starting at 7pm. We will be talking about the plan for this year and welcome any new faces. All you need is enthusiasm!
* Look out for our fantastic fundraising Mufti Day coming up on March 24.
* Rhonda French has been asked to present a talk about our garden project at the next Permaculture Sydney North monthly meeting in Lindfield. Vicki Redrup will be there cheering her on. Good luck ladies!
For more information, phone Rhonda French on 0414 307 352.