Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Newsletter Term 3 Week 6

What an exceptional day on Saturday for Bunnings BBQ. Many sausages sandwiches were sold. A massive thank you to all of the volunteers who were able to come along and the kids who sold raffle tickets with such excitement. Our total profit was $1059.25!!!

Coco and Chanel seem to be settling happily into their new home. They love being fed their bottle by the students and are getting used to all of the extra attention. It is hoped to get them out of their pen in the next few weeks and have them spend time in their portable pen.

Working Bee
There will be an Eco Garden working bee on Sunday the 13th September. If you have a few spare hours please drop by the school and help out. Morning tea will be provided.

Do you or anyone in your immediate family work for Telstra? We would be keen to hear from you. Please email Ms Scanlan.

Cooking in the garden has started with lots of growing happening. If you are interested in helping out when classes are cooking please contact Rhonda.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Newsletter Term 3 Week 4

Yes there are now 2!
Following the arrival of Lamb 1 we received another lamb. The lambs are borrowed from a farm where they will return at the end of the year. They are being fed a bottle of Lamb Milk replacer twice a day, pellets and chaff and Lucerne hay, as well as they graze on grass. Later this week and for subsequent weeks students will get to have a turn at bottle feeding. The babies are still adjusting to the large number of “people” in their paddock but are now more welcoming to visitors if you want to drop by one afternoon. A hand through the fence or a friendly voice is always welcome. We just ask that you don’t feed them anything as they are well looked after. In exciting news…….. they are no longer Lamb 1 and Lamb 2! We are very excited to welcome Coco and Chanel.

Handy on the Machinery?
We are looking to carry out a project that requires a 3.5t excavator and have kindly been offered the use of one. Now we just need a driver. Do you or someone you know have the skills to drive and the ability to lend a few hours on Saturday 12th September? All offers of assistance greatly appreciated.

Our next Bunnings BBQ will be held on the 15th August (Saturday). This event is a many hands make light work and all volunteers are appreciated. If you are able to spare an hour please follow the link http://doodle.com/fthiednahthmkzk3

The garden produce has started to grow following a bad growing season and we have had our first cooking session of the year. Year 1 cooked sushi last Friday using pickled radishes from their garden. If you are ever interested in coming and helping classes cook please email Petra Holland and she will keep you updated. We will be cooking some other yummy food for the School Tour this Wednesday if you are available to assist between 9:30am and 11am.

Mini Working Bee
The monthly mini working bee to tidy up, weed, paint and polish will be held on the 14th August (2nd Friday of the month) from 2pm. Come a bit early for pickup!

Do you have any suggestions/ ideas for the school gardens, an interest in being involved or just hearing what is happening please feel free to join our monthly meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. The next meeting is on the 19th August in 5X Classroom, at 7:00pm.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Recipe: Pickled radishes - daikon and little red radishes

·         10-20 little red radishes
·         2 large daikon radishes, peeled
·         1 cup sugar
·         2 1/2 cups white vinegar
·         2 cups warm water (warm enough to easily dissolve sugar)

  • Julienne the radishes. We used the mandolin to cut the radishes into thin layers and then let the kids cut them into strips. As you can see from the picture, it doesn't need to be perfect as long as they are cut into small pieces.
  • In a big bowl mix together one cup of sugar, the white vinegar and the warm water, until the sugar dissolves.
  •  Prepare clean jars. Pack the radishes tightly into the jars. Pour over the pickling liquid to cover. Seal. Refrigerate.
  • The pickles should sit at least overnight before eating; their flavour will improve with time. They should last 4 to 6 weeks in the refrigerator. The little red radishes will give the pickles a pretty pink colour.

Pickled radishes sushi rolls with Year 1

 Really big daikon radish harvest from the garden!

New lambs

Welcome to Coco & Chanel our new lambs for the year.

 learning to drink from the bottle
