Friday, May 29, 2015

Newsletter Term 2 Week 6

Bunnings BBQ- A big thank you to those who supported Our Bunnings BBQ and raffle. Was lovely to see new faces behind the grill. We made a fantastic $999 profit, which will go towards putting furniture in the outdoor classroom. We are lucky enough to have a second BBQ on August 15 so save the date and if you are interested you are welcome to join. Chook update - We are glad to report Vanilla has grown some beautiful new feathers after her moulting. They are still not laying but hopefully they are just feeling the cold. Watch this space - projects on the move are the recycled pallet vertical garden near the bike racks; and installation of a new water tank to catch water from the outdoor kitchen roof. If you would like to be kept informed of opportunities to be a helper in the garden email Rhonda.