Many of you may have noticed that over the weekend a retaining wall and stairs were installed down the sides of the lamb pen. This has long been an area of concern with the slope of the hill and access to the animals. It was a most amazing event on Saturday and Sunday, with the involvement and support of many parents, teachers and school families. Construction began at 7am on Saturday morning. The borrowing of equipment from Paul Wheway at Kennards, the driving expertise of Floyd McCardle and his worker, James saw the excavation of the flat area and the building up of the hill. The planning and construction of Stuart Cameron and Justin Stack was instrumental in the building of the stairs and retaining wall. By tools down on Saturday excavation work was done and the bottom few stairs were constructed. Sunday was an open Eco Garden Working Bee with many families, children included, coming to assist in a tidy up and carrying out of maintenance around the garden area. Many were involved in aerating the oval. Construction of the stairs continued with the added efforts of many others carrying and mixing concrete, shovelling blue metal and cutting sleepers. A lovely morning tea provided by the ladies, Colleen Dancer, Rhonda French and Petra Holland, and then lunch for those who were still working hard. On Sunday night at 5:30pm the stairs and retaining wall were officially called done! A massive thankyou is not enough for the amazing efforts, support and help for all who were involved – so many to mention! (Mind you – the kids still walked down the dirt hill!!)

The lambs are going to take a holiday along with the children and are going for a visit to the Cameron Family home. We are sure they will be well looked after and will enjoy the new play area.
After the holidays if you are keen to spend some time with them there will be a new roster created for lamb walking and feeding. If you would like more information or to sign up please email Ms Scanlan.
Eco Garden Meetings are normally held each month on the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm in Miss Scanlon’s classroom, during term times. Due to other events being scheduled that night the next meeting will be on the 21st October in 5X classroom. Feel free to come along and hear what it is all about!
Being involved
The Eco Garden is a large part of the school at Hornsby Heights PS and involves many facets and people. There is gardening, animal minding, cooking, cake stalls and BBQs, building of infrastructure and lesson support. If you feel this is something you may be interested in or would like to find out more please come along to a meeting or contact Rhonda French. Many hands make light work.