Ghecko Garden. Hornsby Heights
Public School's Eco Food garden team have completed a garden bed in the
shape of a Ghecko. L-R (front) Izzy Thomson 7 and Emma Seyb 7. L-R
(back) Hamish French 6 and Owen Dancer-Mark 7. Picture: Adam Ward
Source: NewsLocal
A GIANT lizard has made its home at Hornsby Heights Public School.
The gecko is the latest addition to the school's eco-food garden,
which also includes a chicken coop, sheep enclosure, raised garden beds
and a frog pond. Co-ordinator Rhonda French said children were encouraged to dig in and take care of the garden. "Certainly in terms of harvesting we try to get the kids involved as much as possible," she said. The children also have an opportunity to cook a meal with the produce. "The benefit I see is they actually see where food comes from," she said. "I have had a few parents say it's great they have eaten something they wouldn't try at home."
Article can be viewed on the Daily Telegraph website.